Deer Ticks in Asheville

When we think of winter, we often associate it with relief from insects. However, there is one tiny creature that defies this expectation - the deer tick. These minuscule pests may be small, but they possess incredible survival skills that allow them to thrive even during the coldest months. Understanding the surprising truth about deer ticks in winter is crucial for residents of Asheville, NC, as it affects their safety and well-being.
What Do Deer Ticks Look Like?
Before we dive into the depths of their impact, it's essential to understand what deer ticks look like. Picture a minuscule creature, no larger than a sesame seed, with a dark brown or reddish-brown body. These small ticks are typically found in wooded areas, tall grasses, and shrubs, making them a unique entity in the natural landscape of Asheville.
Are Deer Ticks Active in Winter?
Deer ticks, also known as black-legged ticks, are not deterred by the chilly temperatures of winter. Unlike other ticks that go dormant or die off during this season, deer ticks remain active. They are resilient and can tolerate extreme conditions by seeking shelter in leaf litter and other protected areas. This means that even when the ground is covered in snow, these blood-sucking pests can still be lurking, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
Are Deer Ticks Dangerous?
What makes deer ticks particularly concerning is their link to Lyme disease. These tiny creatures are carriers of the bacteria which causes the infectious disease. In winter, their survival strategy can put Asheville residents at a higher risk of contracting Lyme disease, especially if you engage in outdoor activities like hiking or gardening. The cold temperatures do not eliminate the threat these ticks pose; rather, they continue their lifecycle and remain a potential health hazard.
Protecting Yourself From Black Legged Ticks
Considering the potential danger posed by deer ticks, it is crucial for Asheville residents to take proactive measures to protect themselves. Here are some important steps to keep in mind:
Wear protective clothing, such as long sleeves and pants, when venturing into tick-prone areas.
- Use tick repellents that contain DEET or permethrin on exposed skin and clothing.
- Perform thorough tick checks after spending time outdoors, paying close attention to hard-to-reach areas like the scalp and armpits.
- Promptly remove any ticks found attached to the skin using tweezers, ensuring that the mouthparts are completely removed.
- Consider landscaping adjustments that reduce tick habitat, such as keeping lawns well-maintained and creating borders between wooded areas and living spaces.
Local Asheville Tick Control
By being knowledgeable about the prevalence of deer ticks in the winter and taking preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of encountering ticks and protect yourself from potential harm. Remember, these tiny pests may be resilient, but with the right precautions, you can ensure a safe environment for your household. Contact the team at Gibson Pest Control in Asheville for preventative tick control services for your property! Stay proactive, stay informed, and stay tick-free!